Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ever Feel Checked Out?
You ever have those days where you're "checked out" entirely?
Just going into some sort of mild coma while you're sitting there and waiting for time to pass.
That's my Monday, from 8a-8p.
This week the level of zombie intensiveness stayed with me through Tuesday.
Yeah, two days for the price of 1! Sweet!
This is my 100th blog post today. I was trying to think of what I wanted to write about to make it special, make it a landmark, you know?
But this is what I've got. Just feeling drained.
I know that I shouldn't let my "yesterday" affect my "today." But here we are. Bleeding the two days together into one ball of "meh."
Surely everyone has this sort of day...maybe you're right there with me at the moment.
So what regularly gets you out of it?
I know that I get into this funk because I focus on my monotonous work routines...and internet games.
To get out of it, I have to focus on more "important" things and spend my time on them. For me, important things are connecting with other people online, reading, writing, watching, listening. Contributing to conversations and engaging with others.
Make sense?
I think that this is because I'm a relational person. We all are. We're made that way.
We have to interact with others, I know I do. Being in community and engaging with others is personally rejuvenating.
Is it the same to you?
If not, what gets you out of the funk?
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Ever Feel Checked Out?
Jeffrey Holton 67p · 796 weeks ago
I check out not when I'm bored, but when I have so many possible interesting things to do compounded by so many UNinteresting things that NEED to be done that I'm just kinda paralyzed by it all.
A good manager/mentor/role-model/coach is always welcome.
dannyjbixby 85p · 796 weeks ago
Do you think it's all the UNinteresting things that you're paralyzed by? Or would it still be the same if you just had the crazy ton of possible interesting things by themselves?
deleted6487145 80p · 795 weeks ago
Usually, I'll force myself to accomplish something and the joy of completing the task brings me out of the funk. But this week, it hasn't been doing it for me.
It's come down to just needing a day off. Christmas break can't get here quick enough!
Tracy · 795 weeks ago