Friday, November 12, 2010

Huge Changes – My New Job!

>No beating around it, let's just go straight in. North Point Church hired me full time this past Wednesday as the "Connections Coach"!!! (insert happy dance here)

For those of you who know me well, you're aware of what a huge deal this is for me. For those of you who know me a little bit...this is a huge deal for me! I turned in my 2 weeks at my old job...this is really happening.

I'm going to work closely with my good friend (and new boss!) Connections Director Tim Perkins...go bother him on Facebook & Twitter, you'll be glad you did.

Connections is basically nearly everything in the church that deals with 'adults' ministries. Our small groups (connect groups), getting people integrated into the church through serving, spiritual development, creating points of entry for new people, etc.

At the expense of getting all sappy...this is a life changing thing for me. I don't quite know how to emotionally deal with this transition, and in some ways it hasn't fully hit me yet. I'm at a point of excited & happy that can't really be put into words. This is something that I convinced myself for the past 7 years just wasn't going to happen for me. That choices I had made in my life weren't going to allow it. And now that it's very powerful.

If you wouldn't mind, I'd really appreciate that you pray for me with this new part of my life. I want to get right in now and get rolling on it. Thanks so much for letting me share this with you, and thanks for all the support!